
ThispagedescribesthestepstosetupyourGoogleCloudenvironmentforyourvirtualmachine(VM)product,whichincludescreatingaworkspaceandGoogle ...,2024年7月2日—Googlefellfarshortofitsambitiousgoalstoaddressclimatechangebycleaningupitsoperations,accordingtothecompany'sannualEnvironmentalReport.,2024年5月22日—Google'ssuiteofEnvironmentAPIsincludesthefollowing:SolarAPI:Requestsolarpotentialinformationforhun...

Set up your Google Cloud environment

This page describes the steps to set up your Google Cloud environment for your virtual machine (VM) product, which includes creating a workspace and Google ...

Google falling short of important climate target, cites ...

2024年7月2日 — Google fell far short of its ambitious goals to address climate change by cleaning up its operations, according to the company's annual Environmental Report.

Environment APIs

2024年5月22日 — Google's suite of Environment APIs includes the following: Solar API: Request solar potential information for hundreds of millions of ...

Climate Sustainability

Use Google Cloud solutions that meet your sustainability goals and help to monitor and manage the impacts of climate change.

Our 2023 Environmental Report

2023年7月24日 — We shared our 2023 Environmental Report outlining how we are empowering individuals to take action, working together with our partners and customers.


Learn about how we are doing our part to build a sustainable future for all by making information accessible and driving innovation forward.

Google's 2024 Environmental Report

2024年7月2日 — Our 2024 Environmental Report looks at our use of technology to drive environmental change and operate our business sustainably.

Google Environmental Insights Explorer

A freely available data and insights tool that uses exclusive data sources and modeling capabilities to help cities and regions measure emissions sources.

Google Sustainability

Explore how Google is driving sustainable innovation through technology to collectively create a greater sustainable impact for all.

Select the ad environment

Select the environment where the ad will run. To set a default ad environment for new documents, adjust your preferences. You can learn more about each ad ...

什麼是Google Buzz?你今天Buzz了嗎?

什麼是Google Buzz?你今天Buzz了嗎?

你今天Buzz了沒?這一天已經有太多Buzz的消息了,但是你知道什麼是Buzz嗎?簡單的來說應該就是以下這幾種功能! 乍看之下好像又是一種微網誌與即時訊息的服務,陸陸續續不少專家們也開始剖析這個服務帶來的好處...